I'll guide you step-by-step for personal freedom...

Living life on its own terms is an idiom that is often overused during social media. But what exactly does this mean? And how exactly can you do this?
Today I will do what others won’t. So tomorrow, I can accomplish what others can’t.

You have to know your purpose. You should have a vision of where to take your future. After all, to live life on their own terms are simply following their own thesis for a happy life.

Before you start dreaming of the mansion and fancy cars, ask yourself the following questions:

1. What makes me happy?

2. How can I get control of my future?
3. What kind of person do I want to be?
4. What will I achieve in the next 10 years?

No matter what your dreams & ambitions are, every single action you take from this moment onwards should enable you to get one step closer to your vision of a happy life.
Yes, it’s that simple.

You need to write down your vision, and then create the actions necessary to execute on that thesis.
Living on your own terms is an absolutely incredible feeling for anybody who has accomplished it. You will feel free in every single decision you take. You shall have a sense of discovery & curiosity due to a new sense of clarity in regards to your ambitions.
But most importantly, you shall be happy.

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