How implementing Regular Practice/ Routine into your life will help you create freedom.
How routined is your life?
Many of us probably get up at the same time every morning, maybe you go to bed at the same time every night, you can start work at a certain time every day and maybe even eat your lunch at the same hour day after day.

However, beyond the normal daily routines, beyond the robotic mode of living, how routined are you?
How much value does structure hold within your day to day living?
 I have always been in favor of freedom; To live an independent life without boundaries, live with a purpose in mind every day - happiness.

I believe that freedom creates happiness, however, for many years I had the wrong idea, in fact the wrong definition of freedom. I believed that the idea of ​​being independent was living with no rules, following the rules of society, yet I was free to live my life how I wished. When I woke up, I was happy to have a career in which I wanted to work, not to do a job, to sleep in whatever hour I liked, to eat and drink what I loved. , Hobbies and interests, and whatever it is, meeting my needs costs.

This is not freedom, in fact, I came to realize this is nothing more than a prison within our material society.Freedom is within the mind.

When I realize that freedom is found within and cannot be bought, freedom is not living an independent life, you are doing what you want, when you want, freedom has a mind that someone There is no worry, there is no fear, a mind that resides within is present without the regrets of yesterday and certainly without the worries of tomorrow.

Freedom is being Mindful.

Being mindful takes a lot of practice, currently being happy is not something that one can achieve overnight. To achieve a state of happiness within the present moment, first of all you need to find time, time matters a lot, time is essential. We need time to get all the things we want to achieve, practice the things that will bring us closer to ourselves, practice the things that make us happy and become more aware of the present - Meditating, reading, writing, walking, exercising, spending time with loved ones, working on our passions - all of these things require time.

This is where the routine found it within my life. My former self hides from the idea of ​​routines, however, now realizing that freedom is found within the mind, a routine has become an essential part of my day, so much so that after years of living with a strict routine I could not do. Imagine my day without it, I am almost scared of anything that breaks my routine.


You will never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.
For a long time now I have found a similar routine, a routine does not have to be as strict as you think, after years of trying to find the right balance I have actually come to know that my routine is not in time. Consists of, but just a strict selection of practices that I have put together - meditation, exercise, writing, reading, learning, walking - all of these part of my routine. A routine for me simply means that I have a constant list of things that I must do within my day, the same things that end in the day. Some are dedicated in the morning, some in the afternoon and the rest I have to complete in the evening.

It may not seem like it is freedom, however, I can assure you that it is. Keeping a strict routine within my day ensures that I do not have to think or worry about what to do, each day I know that I am doing things that make me more mindful, The need to be independent and all of them combined will make me happy.

 The remaining time is free; free to do as I please, free to work, or simply left free to account for any unexpected events that life may throw my way.

Knowing that no life can throw at me, I will always make sure that I have the time to read, write, meditate and ensure that each day I know that I can get a little glimpse of happiness Going, no matter how difficult that day perhaps, ensures that I look forward to tomorrow and I know that the present day will bring me joy.

Regular Practice has created my Liberty

Let routine create yours.


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