Self Sufficiency or Self Reliant is virtue in an isolation but it does not mean to be “isolated”

What does it mean for an individual? 

I will admit that for many years of my past, I felt like I had gone mad. I wanted to be someone I do not accept and would be liked by others. I will blame or accuse those closest to me for my unhappiness. I act out of impulse rather than logic to satisfy my emotional needs and desires. Above all, I allowed others to control my life and how I felt not only about life but about myself as a person.

This created all kinds of problems in my life which I could not see because I used to think of others. Essentially, every relationship in my life was suffering. I was incredibly unhappy with the person I was becoming, and as a result, I became depressed. I felt helpless because the people whose attention and acceptance I found to be the most honest did not care for me. It just didn't feel like I was ever going to win in life.

It is only in recent years that I have been able to find a sense of joy and pride for myself as a person. Truth be told, part of this happiness and pride comes from the fact that I have found my voice and am becoming more self-reliant and independent on a daily basis. I am finally starting to accept the person I was going to be, and as a result, I have never been happier in my entire life than before.

While I am not an expert on the subject, there are some things I would like to share with you about becoming more self-reliant and independent. It can be incredibly scary to go against the world when all you crave is the attention and acceptance of those around you. But if you don't do it for yourself, just know that no one is going to do it for you.

Is a mentor or life coach is needed to become self-reliant?

From my point of view no
Be your own guide and mentor

A mentor is someone who encourages you and helps you figure out the right moves to make. This person can be a mentor or more of a life coach. you can act as your own mentor. There's no need to hire someone to act as your mentor. By setting realistic goals, and monitoring your progress, you can learn to be your own best source of guidance and encouragement.

Adopting the Right Mindset

1.Evaluate your habits.

Taking self-inventory is the first step to being your own mentor. To put yourself in the right frame of mind for advice, you need to keep an honest eye on yourself. Take some time to reflect on your habits. Keep an eye on ways to spend your day.
Take notes. How much time you spend each day at work, socializing, exercise, etc.
Keep track of your activities for a week or two. At the end of that time, check how you spend your time
Consider what habits are good, and which you should get rid of. For example, if you notice that you are spending hours every day on social media, consider making changes to that part of your routine.
You can list your thoughts about your strengths and your weaknesses.

2.Be Encouraging

You mention yourself, you need to be a major part of your own support system. Try to speak positively towards yourself. Build your self-esteem from within.
Try daily affirmation. Each morning, you can say something like, "Today, you will find a new way to succeed."
Leave the note to yourself. Keep encouraging emotions posted inside your home and around your desk at work. You can also try sending a positive e-mail to yourself.
Avoid Negativity. When you have a setback, do not brace yourself.

3.Practice Gratitude

A good guru often chooses to focus on the positive. As your own protector, you can also adopt this mental habit. Take time to be grateful for the good things in your life. They can be personal or professional.
Try to keep a gratitude journal. Every day, write down the things you are grateful for. Study the pattern of how you can express gratitude.

4.Remove Bad influences

A good mentor will encourage you to avoid being around people who negatively impact you. As your own mentor, it is up to you that you need to limit contact with certain people. Take some time to evaluate relationships that may not be positive.
For example, you might have a co-worker who constantly complains about corporate culture. If you are working on advancing your career in that company, maybe not a good person to spend a lot of time with.
Find someone new to sit with for lunch. That negativity is not what you need to help motivate you to do positive questions.

Question Yourself

We have all heard the saying “Live your best life.” But ask yourself something: What does it mean to actually live your best life? What does living your best life look like to you?
Before you answer that, notice how the saying says to live your best life and not live the best life of others around you? That’s because of life that you are living in yours, and only yours to live. Everybody else has their own life to live, so why let them live yours for you as well?

Striving to be accepted doesn’t make you a bad person by any means. In fact, I believe that all of us strive to be somebody that we’re not at some point in our lives. But you also can’t be scared to speak your mind, to do the things that you want to do, and to be the person that you want to be. Nobody wants to look like a failure or to be disliked by those around them. But no matter how badly we don’t want these things, they are inevitable.

If you aren’t willing to accept the fact that you are going to fail, then you aren’t willing to achieve the life that you desire. There are always going to be obstacles that stand in your way. There are always going to be people who disagree with you and who aren’t going to like you. As painful as it might be to think about these things, they are just part of being human.

I say this because despite knowing right from wrong, I still allowed these thoughts of failure and being judged by others to shape how I lived my life. The sad part is, it took me years to finally acknowledge it — years of wasted time. I gained absolutely nothing from striving to be accepted by others and to be quite frank, I only ended up resenting myself more and more as an individual with every passing day.

Why an individual need to be self-reliant?

1) You can take control of your own density.

2) It's good to be confident on your two feet.

3)Gain perspective on your life.

4)Not to be dependent on anyone but yourself. 

5)Believe in yourself.

6) Learn all you can.

How to Become Self-Reliant

1. Assume responsibility.

Start with taking your own responsibility for your life and the things in it. If you rely on your mom to wake you up every morning, you don't come late to school, it's time to make friends with an alarm clock on your smartphone. Start using a calendar to track your appointments and important due dates. When you notice that your apartment or dorm room looks messy, clean it. If you are not doing well in a classroom or workplace, do not blame your teacher or your boss. If you make a mistake, be prepared for it yourself, and try to correct it yourself instead of immediately running to mom and dad so that they can fix it for you. When you come home to visit your parents, don't get into the old routine, and let mom do the laundry for you
I'll be honest with you, taking responsibility for your life is not all that fun. You will feel the weight of weighing a difficult decision and accepting the consequences, even if they do not suit you. You often go un-praised and non-rewarded for being responsible.
But taking responsibility for your life is satisfying. As you take control of your life, you will gain quiet confidence in yourself. You will feel empowered. Instead of feeling like life is just happening to you, you will start feeling like your destiny and the master of your soul. When you take responsibility for your life, you open doors to new and better opportunities.

2. Be informed

Of course, to take on more responsibilities, you have to know how to fulfill those responsibilities. Some youngsters continue to let mom and dad work for them, on the pretext that they just don't know how to do those things. They often turn to decisions for their parents for the same reasons. But the truth is, he never tried to understand things on his own.
This excuse is particularly weak in the Internet age, with just a Google search away from answers to many of life's questions. How to apply for financial aid? Don't stop working at mom - go to the computer and start researching it yourself.

3. Know where you’re going.

A self-reliant person has goals he has set for himself. Their purpose is not just the things that other people think that that self-sufficient person is autonomous and not dependent on others to validate their decisions. A self-sufficient person works with an end in mind. He has prepared a blueprint for his future. When he runs into a problem, he informs himself of what an ideal resolution would be and then works to make it a reality. He plans his week and ensures the tasks for which he is responsible.

4. Make your own decisions.

One thing I have learned is that life is actually a lot easier and much less stressful when you make your own decisions. When you are young, it tempts you and hopes that decisions and problems will magically resolve themselves. They did not win. In fact, problems and decisions often get bigger and bother you long enough to take action on them. Active decision making - habit-forming. With any choice or problem, you can quickly decide on an action plan, and execute it immediately.

“In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing.” -Theodore Roosevelt


Don’t put your happiness and your life in the hands of anybody other than yourself. Rely on yourself to find your own true happiness, speak your mind, and live your best life each and every day, because the truth is, you never know when it might be your last.

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