Something is killing me inside,
Is there something so strong, that I hide?
What it can be?
Is this my career, my love, my family, or all the three.

Life isn't as happy, as it used to be,
I can't get my past is all I can see.
The lectures I get, I don't want to ignore them,
Then why everyone thinks, I still don't have any shame?

Why I loosed many of my friends?
Is this the way promises end?
Why I can't do what I really want to?
When I know I am wrong, why this thing I have to do?

How to control myself is all, I don't know,
I want a person, everyone is proud to show.
The hopes my father have, should not go in vain,
The love of my life is what I can't lose again.

The sacrifice my maa do, to make me smile,
And a beautiful sister, to walk with me a mile.
I do have the best persons in my life,
Then why I am dead inside, but still alive?

Why I am wearing this fake smile with me?
Why my hidden tears is what no one can see?
Why my words are coming out, to make me feel low?
I don't have many tears for the fake people to show.

I m not the boy I used to be,
I want someone to hug me tight, and say everything is fine, why can't u see?
Don't know when everything will be fine again,
Should I listen to my heart or this powerful brain? I am strong for a long time,
Why this moment is making me upset?
Why I am not having the things, I really want to get?

This writing is the way,
to silently cry,
In the morning I want to be a smiling boy, with a twinkling eye.
U r the strongest boy no matter what,
Smile even if everything is wrong, is all u have been taught.

The past u cant have, is nothing to cry for,
The present u have is your future's golden door.
Be happy and strong, is all I can say,

No need to hide, your love and pain.
I know what u want is what u will,
Something is killing me inside,
Is there something so strong that I hide?

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